18 #ifndef sitkLabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter_h
19 #define sitkLabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter_h
SetOpacity (
double Opacity ) { this->m_Opacity = Opacity;
return *
this; }
SetDilationRadius (
const std::vector<unsigned int> & DilationRadius ) { this->m_DilationRadius = DilationRadius;
return *
this; }
unsigned int value ) { this->m_DilationRadius = std::vector<unsigned int>(3, value);
return *
this; }
SetContourThickness (
const std::vector<unsigned int> & ContourThickness ) { this->m_ContourThickness = ContourThickness;
return *
this; }
SetSliceDimension (
unsigned int SliceDimension ) { this->m_SliceDimension = SliceDimension;
return *
this; }
113 typedef enum {PLAIN,CONTOUR,SLICE_CONTOUR} ContourTypeType;
127 typedef enum {HIGH_LABEL_ON_TOP,LOW_LABEL_ON_TOP} PriorityType;
SetColormap ( std::vector<uint8_t> Colormap ) { this->m_Colormap = Colormap;
return *
this; }
145 std::vector<uint8_t>
const {
return this->m_Colormap; }
147 std::string
const {
return std::string (
"LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter"); }
150 std::string ToString()
154 Image Execute (
const Image & labelMapImage,
const Image & featureImage );
163 typedef Image (Self::*MemberFunctionType)(
const Image * labelMapImage,
const Image * featureImage );
166 template <
class TImageType1,
class TImageType2>
Image DualExecuteInternal (
const Image * labelMapImage,
const Image * featureImage );
192 SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image LabelMapContourOverlay (
const Image & labelMapImage,
const Image & featureImage,
double opacity = 0.5,
const std::vector<unsigned int> & dilationRadius = std::vector<unsigned int>(3, 1),
const std::vector<unsigned int> & contourThickness = std::vector<unsigned int>(3, 1),
unsigned int sliceDimension = 0u,
LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::ContourTypeType contourType =
LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::PriorityType priority =
itk::simple::LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::HIGH_LABEL_ON_TOP, std::vector<uint8_t> colormap = std::vector<uint8_t>() );
std::vector< uint8_t > GetColormap() const
Apply a colormap to the contours (outlines) of each object in a label map and superimpose it on top o...
std::string GetName() const
nsstd::auto_ptr< detail::DualMemberFunctionFactory< MemberFunctionType > > m_DualMemberFactory
#define SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT
std::vector< unsigned int > m_ContourThickness
typelist::MakeTypeList< LabelPixelID< uint8_t >, LabelPixelID< uint16_t >, LabelPixelID< uint32_t > >::Type LabelPixelIDTypeList
PriorityType GetPriority() const
Image LabelMapContourOverlay(const Image &labelMapImage, const Image &featureImage, double opacity=0.5, const std::vector< unsigned int > &dilationRadius=std::vector< unsigned int >(3, 1), const std::vector< unsigned int > &contourThickness=std::vector< unsigned int >(3, 1), unsigned int sliceDimension=0u, LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::ContourTypeType contourType=itk::simple::LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::CONTOUR, LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::PriorityType priority=itk::simple::LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter::HIGH_LABEL_ON_TOP, std::vector< uint8_t > colormap=std::vector< uint8_t >())
Apply a colormap to the contours (outlines) of each object in a label map and superimpose it on top o...
double GetOpacity() const
Self & SetPriority(PriorityType Priority)
std::vector< unsigned int > GetContourThickness() const
LabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter Self
Self & SetContourThickness(const std::vector< unsigned int > &ContourThickness)
Self & SetOpacity(double Opacity)
Self & SetDilationRadius(unsigned int value)
ContourTypeType m_ContourType
unsigned int GetSliceDimension() const
std::vector< uint8_t > m_Colormap
std::vector< unsigned int > GetDilationRadius() const
The Image class for SimpleITK.
unsigned int m_SliceDimension
Self & SetDilationRadius(const std::vector< unsigned int > &DilationRadius)
Self & SetContourType(ContourTypeType ContourType)
LabelPixelIDTypeList PixelIDTypeList
ContourTypeType GetContourType() const
Self & SetSliceDimension(unsigned int SliceDimension)
The base interface for SimpleITK filters that take one input image.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_DilationRadius
Self & SetColormap(std::vector< uint8_t > Colormap)