18#ifndef sitkUnsharpMaskImageFilter_h
19#define sitkUnsharpMaskImageFilter_h
double s) { this->
m_Sigmas = std::vector<double>(3, s );
return *
this; }
SetSigmas ( std::vector<double> Sigmas ) { this->
m_Sigmas = std::move(Sigmas);
return *
this; }
SetAmount (
double Amount ) { this->
m_Amount = Amount;
return *
this; }
118 std::string
const {
return std::string (
"UnsharpMaskImageFilter"); }
141 std::vector<double>
m_Sigmas{std::vector<double>(3, 1.0)};
The Image class for SimpleITK.
std::vector< double > GetSigmas() const
Image Execute(const Image &image1)
virtual ~UnsharpMaskImageFilter()
std::string ToString() const
std::vector< double > m_Sigmas
Image ExecuteInternal(const Image &image1)
std::string GetName() const
std::unique_ptr< detail::MemberFunctionFactory< MemberFunctionType > > m_MemberFactory
RealPixelIDTypeList PixelIDTypeList
Self & SetClamp(bool Clamp)
double GetThreshold() const
Self & SetThreshold(double Threshold)
UnsharpMaskImageFilter Self
Self & SetAmount(double Amount)
Self & SetSigmas(double s)
Self & SetSigmas(std::vector< double > Sigmas)
Image(Self::*)(const Image &image1) MemberFunctionType
Image Threshold(Image &&image1, double lower=0.0, double upper=1.0, double outsideValue=0.0)
Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or outside threshold values.
Image UnsharpMask(const Image &image1, std::vector< double > sigmas=std::vector< double >(3, 1.0), double amount=0.5, double threshold=0.0, bool clamp=true)
Edge enhancement filter.
typelist2::typelist< BasicPixelID< float >, BasicPixelID< double > > RealPixelIDTypeList
Image Clamp(Image &&image1, PixelIDValueEnum outputPixelType=itk::simple::sitkUnknown, double lowerBound=-std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double upperBound=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
Casts input pixels to output pixel type and clamps the output pixel values to a specified range.
#define SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT