18#ifndef sitkAdditionalProcedures_h
19#define sitkAdditionalProcedures_h
51 double defaultPixelValue = 0.0,
53 bool useNearestNeighborExtrapolator =
57 const Image & referenceImage,
60 double defaultPixelValue = 0.0,
62 bool useNearestNeighborExtrapolator =
66 const std::vector<uint32_t> & size,
69 const std::vector<double> & outputOrigin = std::vector<double>(3, 0.0),
70 const std::vector<double> & outputSpacing = std::vector<double>(3, 1.0),
71 const std::vector<double> & outputDirection = std::vector<double>(),
72 double defaultPixelValue = 0.0,
74 bool useNearestNeighborExtrapolator =
89 double kernelBandwidthSigma = 400.0,
90 uint32_t patchRadius = 4u,
91 uint32_t numberOfIterations = 1u,
92 uint32_t numberOfSamplePatches = 200u,
93 double sampleVariance = 400.0,
94 double noiseSigma = 0.0,
95 double noiseModelFidelityWeight = 0.0);
102 double kernelBandwidthSigma = 400.0,
103 uint32_t patchRadius = 4u,
104 uint32_t numberOfIterations = 1u,
105 uint32_t numberOfSamplePatches = 200u,
106 double sampleVariance = 400.0);
124 unsigned int maximumKernelWidth = 32u,
125 double maximumError = 0.01,
126 bool useImageSpacing =
The Image class for SimpleITK.
SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image DiscreteGaussian(const Image &image1, double variance, unsigned int maximumKernelWidth=32u, double maximumError=0.01, bool useImageSpacing=true)
Blurs an image by separable convolution with discrete gaussian kernels. This filter performs Gaussian...
@ sitkLinear
N-D linear interpolation.
SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(const Image &image1, double sigma, bool normalizeAcrossScale=false)
Computes the smoothing of an image by convolution with the Gaussian kernels implemented as IIR filter...
SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image Resample(const Image &image1, Transform transform=itk::simple::Transform(), InterpolatorEnum interpolator=itk::simple::sitkLinear, double defaultPixelValue=0.0, PixelIDValueEnum outputPixelType=sitkUnknown, bool useNearestNeighborExtrapolator=false)
itk::simple::ResampleImageFilter Procedural Interface
SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image PatchBasedDenoising(const Image &image1, itk::simple::PatchBasedDenoisingImageFilter::NoiseModelType noiseModel, double kernelBandwidthSigma=400.0, uint32_t patchRadius=4u, uint32_t numberOfIterations=1u, uint32_t numberOfSamplePatches=200u, double sampleVariance=400.0, double noiseSigma=0.0, double noiseModelFidelityWeight=0.0)
itk::simple::PatchBasedDenoisingImageFilter Procedural Interface
Enumerated values of pixelIDs.
#define SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT