18#ifndef sitkCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter_h
19#define sitkCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter_h
235 std::string
const {
return std::string (
"CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter"); }
306 SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image CannySegmentationLevelSet (
Image && initialImage,
const Image & featureImage,
double threshold = 0.0,
double variance = 0.0,
double maximumRMSError = 0.02,
double propagationScaling = 1.0,
double curvatureScaling = 1.0,
double advectionScaling = 1.0, uint32_t numberOfIterations = 1000u,
bool reverseExpansionDirection =
double isoSurfaceValue = 0.0 );
308 SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT Image CannySegmentationLevelSet (
const Image & initialImage,
const Image & featureImage,
double threshold = 0.0,
double variance = 0.0,
double maximumRMSError = 0.02,
double propagationScaling = 1.0,
double curvatureScaling = 1.0,
double advectionScaling = 1.0, uint32_t numberOfIterations = 1000u,
bool reverseExpansionDirection =
double isoSurfaceValue = 0.0 );
Image GetCannyImage() const
uint32_t GetNumberOfIterations() const
double GetMaximumRMSError() const
Image Execute(Image &&initialImage, const Image &featureImage)
double GetRMSChange() const
The Root Mean Square of the levelset upon termination.
double GetPropagationScaling() const
std::string GetName() const
double GetCurvatureScaling() const
Self & SetCurvatureScaling(double CurvatureScaling)
Self & SetAdvectionScaling(double AdvectionScaling)
Self & SetPropagationScaling(double PropagationScaling)
bool GetReverseExpansionDirection() const
Image Execute(const Image &initialImage, const Image &featureImage)
Self & SetNumberOfIterations(uint32_t NumberOfIterations)
std::unique_ptr< detail::MemberFunctionFactory< MemberFunctionType > > m_MemberFactory
Self & SetVariance(double Variance)
Self & ReverseExpansionDirectionOff()
virtual ~CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter()
Self & SetThreshold(double Threshold)
RealPixelIDTypeList PixelIDTypeList
Image ExecuteInternal(const Image *initialImage, const Image *featureImage)
double m_PropagationScaling
CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter Self
std::string ToString() const
double GetAdvectionScaling() const
bool m_ReverseExpansionDirection
Image(Self::*)(const Image *initialImage, const Image *featureImage) MemberFunctionType
double GetThreshold() const
double m_CurvatureScaling
uint32_t m_ElapsedIterations
uint32_t m_NumberOfIterations
uint32_t GetElapsedIterations() const
Number of iterations run.
Self & SetReverseExpansionDirection(bool ReverseExpansionDirection)
Self & SetMaximumRMSError(double MaximumRMSError)
Self & SetIsoSurfaceValue(double IsoSurfaceValue)
double m_AdvectionScaling
Self & ReverseExpansionDirectionOn()
double GetVariance() const
double GetIsoSurfaceValue() const
The Image class for SimpleITK.
Image Threshold(Image &&image1, double lower=0.0, double upper=1.0, double outsideValue=0.0)
Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or outside threshold values.
Image CannySegmentationLevelSet(Image &&initialImage, const Image &featureImage, double threshold=0.0, double variance=0.0, double maximumRMSError=0.02, double propagationScaling=1.0, double curvatureScaling=1.0, double advectionScaling=1.0, uint32_t numberOfIterations=1000u, bool reverseExpansionDirection=false, double isoSurfaceValue=0.0)
Segments structures in images based on image features derived from pseudo-canny-edges.
typelist2::typelist< BasicPixelID< float >, BasicPixelID< double > > RealPixelIDTypeList
#define SITKBasicFilters_EXPORT