Extract a region of interest from the input image.
This filter produces an output image of the same dimension as the input image. The user specifies the region of the input image that will be contained in the output image. The origin coordinates of the output images will be computed in such a way that if mapped to physical space, the output image will overlay the input image with perfect registration. In other words, a registration process between the output image and the input image will return an identity transform.
If you are interested in changing the dimension of the image, you may want to consider the ExtractImageFilter . For example for extracting a 2D image from a slice of a 3D image.
The region to extract is set using the method SetRegionOfInterest.
- See also
- ExtractImageFilter
itk::simple::RegionOfInterest for the procedural interface
itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter for the Doxygen on the original ITK class.
Definition at line 47 of file sitkRegionOfInterestImageFilter.h.
static bool | GetGlobalDefaultDebug () |
static void | GlobalDefaultDebugOff () |
static void | GlobalDefaultDebugOn () |
static void | SetGlobalDefaultDebug (bool debugFlag) |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag) |
static bool | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
static double | GetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance () |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces. More...
static void | SetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance (double) |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces. More...
static double | GetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance () |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces. More...
static void | SetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance (double) |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces. More...
static bool | SetGlobalDefaultThreader (const std::string &threader) |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects. More...
static std::string | GetGlobalDefaultThreader () |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects. More...
static void | SetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads (unsigned int n) |
static unsigned int | GetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads () |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects. More...
void | CheckImageMatchingDimension (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
void | CheckImageMatchingPixelType (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
void | CheckImageMatchingSize (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
virtual unsigned long | AddITKObserver (const itk::EventObject &, itk::Command *) |
virtual itk::ProcessObject * | GetActiveProcess () |
virtual void | OnActiveProcessDelete () |
virtual void | onCommandDelete (const itk::simple::Command *cmd) noexcept |
virtual void | PreUpdate (itk::ProcessObject *p) |
virtual void | RemoveITKObserver (EventCommand &e) |
| NonCopyable ()=default |
| NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete |
NonCopyable & | operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete |
template<class TImageType > |
static void | FixNonZeroIndex (TImageType *img) |
template<class TImageType > |
static TImageType::ConstPointer | CastImageToITK (const Image &img) |
template<class TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension, unsigned int VLength, template< typename, unsigned int > class TVector> |
static Image | CastITKToImage (itk::Image< TVector< TPixelType, VLength >, VImageDimension > *img) |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension, unsigned int VLength, template< unsigned int > class TVector> |
static Image | CastITKToImage (itk::Image< TVector< VLength >, VImageDimension > *img) |
template<class TImageType > |
static Image | CastITKToImage (TImageType *img) |
static const itk::EventObject & | GetITKEventObject (EventEnum e) |
template<typename T > |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const T &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const char &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const signed char &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const unsigned char &v) |