ComposeImageFilter combine several scalar images into a multicomponent image.
ComposeImageFilter combine several scalar images into an itk::Image of vector pixel (itk::Vector , itk::RGBPixel , ...), of std::complex pixel, or in an itk::VectorImage .
- Inputs and Usage
filter->SetInput( 0, image0 );
filter->SetInput( 1, image1 );
All input images are expected to have the same template parameters and have the same size and origin.
- See also
- VectorImage
itk::simple::Compose for the procedural interface
Definition at line 63 of file sitkComposeImageFilter.h.
| ComposeImageFilter () |
Image | Execute (const Image &image1) |
Image | Execute (const Image &image1, const Image &image2) |
Image | Execute (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const Image &image3) |
Image | Execute (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const Image &image3, const Image &image4) |
Image | Execute (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const Image &image3, const Image &image4, const Image &image5) |
Image | Execute (const std::vector< Image > &images) |
std::string | GetName () const |
std::string | ToString () const |
virtual | ~ComposeImageFilter () |
| ImageFilter () |
virtual | ~ImageFilter ()=0 |
virtual void | Abort () |
virtual int | AddCommand (itk::simple::EventEnum event, const std::function< void()> &func) |
| Directly add a callback to observe an event.
virtual int | AddCommand (itk::simple::EventEnum event, itk::simple::Command &cmd) |
| Add a Command Object to observer the event.
virtual float | GetProgress () const |
| An Active Measurement of the progress of execution.
virtual bool | HasCommand (itk::simple::EventEnum event) const |
| Query of this object has any registered commands for event.
| ProcessObject () |
virtual void | RemoveAllCommands () |
| Remove all registered commands.
virtual | ~ProcessObject () |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
virtual bool | GetDebug () const |
virtual void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfThreads (unsigned int n) |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfThreads () const |
virtual void | SetNumberOfWorkUnits (unsigned int n) |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfWorkUnits () const |
static bool | GetGlobalDefaultDebug () |
static void | GlobalDefaultDebugOff () |
static void | GlobalDefaultDebugOn () |
static void | SetGlobalDefaultDebug (bool debugFlag) |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag) |
static bool | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
static double | GetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance () |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces.
static void | SetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance (double) |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces.
static double | GetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance () |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces.
static void | SetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance (double) |
| Access the global tolerance to determine congruent spaces.
static bool | SetGlobalDefaultThreader (const std::string &threader) |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects.
static std::string | GetGlobalDefaultThreader () |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects.
static void | SetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads (unsigned int n) |
static unsigned int | GetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads () |
| Set/Get the default threader used for process objects.
void | CheckImageMatchingDimension (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
void | CheckImageMatchingPixelType (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
void | CheckImageMatchingSize (const Image &image1, const Image &image2, const std::string &image2Name) |
virtual unsigned long | AddITKObserver (const itk::EventObject &, itk::Command *) |
virtual itk::ProcessObject * | GetActiveProcess () |
virtual void | OnActiveProcessDelete () |
virtual void | onCommandDelete (const itk::simple::Command *cmd) noexcept |
virtual void | PreUpdate (itk::ProcessObject *p) |
virtual void | RemoveITKObserver (EventCommand &e) |
| NonCopyable ()=default |
| NonCopyable (const NonCopyable &)=delete |
NonCopyable & | operator= (const NonCopyable &)=delete |
template<class TImageType> |
static void | FixNonZeroIndex (TImageType *img) |
template<class TImageType> |
static TImageType::ConstPointer | CastImageToITK (const Image &img) |
template<class TPixelType, unsigned int VImageDimension, unsigned int VLength, template< typename, unsigned int > class TVector> |
static Image | CastITKToImage (itk::Image< TVector< TPixelType, VLength >, VImageDimension > *img) |
template<unsigned int VImageDimension, unsigned int VLength, template< unsigned int > class TVector> |
static Image | CastITKToImage (itk::Image< TVector< VLength >, VImageDimension > *img) |
template<class TImageType> |
static Image | CastITKToImage (TImageType *img) |
static const itk::EventObject & | GetITKEventObject (EventEnum e) |
template<typename T> |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const T &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const char &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const signed char &v) |
static std::ostream & | ToStringHelper (std::ostream &os, const unsigned char &v) |