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// Get and Set Buffer of SimpleITK Image
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SitkImage = itk.simple.Image;
using PixelId = itk.simple.PixelIDValueEnum;
namespace itk.simple.examples
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: inputImage outputImage");
string inputFilename = args[0];
string outputFilename = args[1];
// Read input image
SitkImage input = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename);
// Cast so we know the the pixel type
input = SimpleITK.Cast(input, PixelId.sitkFloat32);
// calculate the number of pixels
VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize();
int len = 1;
for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++)
len *= (int)size[dim];
IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat();
// There are two ways to access the buffer:
// (1) Access the underlying buffer as a pointer in an "unsafe" block
// (note that in C# "unsafe" simply means that the compiler can not
// perform full type checking), and requires the -unsafe compiler flag
// unsafe {
// float* bufferPtr = (float*)buffer.ToPointer();
// // Now the byte pointer can be accessed as per Brad's email
// // (of course this example is only a 2d single channel image):
// // This is a 1-D array but can be access as a 3-D. Given an
// // image of size [xS,yS,zS], you can access the image at
// // index [x,y,z] as you wish by image[x+y*xS+z*xS*yS],
// // so x is the fastest axis and z is the slowest.
// for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) {
// float pixel = bufferPtr[i + j*size[1]];
// // Do something with pixel here
// }
// }
// }
// (2) Copy the buffer to a "safe" array (i.e. a fully typed array)
// (note that this means memory is duplicated)
float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; // Allocates new memory the size of input
Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len);
double total = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++)
float pixel = bufferAsArray[i + j * size[1]];
total += pixel;
Console.WriteLine("Pixel value total: {0}", total);
// Set buffer of new SimpleITK Image from managed array.
// bufferAsArray could also have come from a bmp,png,etc...
uint width = input.GetWidth();
uint height = input.GetHeight();
SitkImage outImage = new SitkImage(width, height, PixelId.sitkFloat32);
IntPtr outImageBuffer = outImage.GetBufferAsFloat();
Marshal.Copy(bufferAsArray, 0, outImageBuffer, (int)(size[0] * size[1]));
// Write out the resulting file
outImage = SimpleITK.RescaleIntensity(outImage, 0, 255);
outImage = SimpleITK.Cast(outImage, PixelId.sitkUInt8);
SimpleITK.WriteImage(outImage, outputFilename);
The Image class for SimpleITK.
Definition sitkImage.h:77