SimpleITK  1.2.4
Git philosophy

This document records the standard operating procedure and philosopy of SimpleITK's use of Git.

The life of a topic branch

In order to properly manage this workflow, we need to be very careful about always basing our branches off of master and tracking the dependencies of each branch. The steps needed to do this are:

  1. base new topics off of the most up to date master
  2. merge to next
  3. if there is a conflict when merging to next, abort the merge, find the branch that causes the conflict, and merge it into your branch, resolving conflicts here
  4. merge to next only when there are no conflicts left

    Here are the details:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull (just to make sure master is up to date)
    $ git checkout -b BRANCHNAME (we should also standardize our branch names)
    ... do work and make commits on BRANCHNAME ...
    $ git stage-push
    $ git stage-merge

    Here's where the tricky part is. If you get conflicts here, that means that there's some branch that's been merged to next which conflicts with your changes and isn't in master. Instead of just resolving this conflict while merging BRANCH_NAME, you should introduce a dependency with the conflicting branch. To do this you need to find the branch that conflicts and merge it with your own (resolving the conflict here instead).

The stage should produce a message to aid in the process of resolving the failed merge.

A philosophical discussion

Ok, that was a lot of git jargon and was probably more than you wanted to know. The question now is whether it's all worth it. This workflow is really nice because it keeps topics in nice, logically isolated, branches where dependencies between topics only exist when necessary. That being said, who cares?

The main advantage here is a clean history and a nicely stable branch that stays up to date with all finished work (rather than needing to prep releases at regular intervals). Since SimpleITK is under heavy development, we aren't trying to provide any guarantees to anyone about a stable master branch and since most of us are only working part time on this project, using this workflow might just be too much overhead (especially if we're going to switch to using Gerrit soon anyway).

The alternative would be to just go back to a single "wild west" style integration branch. This would offer the advantage of lowering the git bar significantly, but it would also mean that we would lose our designated QA space (the role that next currently plays). Thoughts? Competing theories?