21 """ Example of the SmoothRecursiveGaussian function in SimpleITK """
26 import SimpleITK
as sitk
29 print(f
"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <input> <sigma> <output>")
34 pixelID = image.GetPixelID()
40 if "SITK_NOSHOW" not in os.environ:
Image SmoothingRecursiveGaussian(const Image &image1, std::vector< double > sigma=std::vector< double >(3, 1.0), bool normalizeAcrossScale=false)
Computes the smoothing of an image by convolution with the Gaussian kernels implemented as IIR filter...
void SITKIO_EXPORT Show(const Image &image, const std::string &title="", const bool debugOn=ProcessObject::GetGlobalDefaultDebug())
Image Cast(const Image &image, PixelIDValueEnum pixelID)
SITKIO_EXPORT void WriteImage(const Image &image, const std::vector< PathType > &fileNames, bool useCompression=false, int compressionLevel=-1)
WriteImage is a procedural interface to the ImageSeriesWriter. class which is convenient for many ima...
SITKIO_EXPORT Image ReadImage(const std::vector< PathType > &fileNames, PixelIDValueEnum outputPixelType=sitkUnknown, const std::string &imageIO="")
ReadImage is a procedural interface to the ImageSeriesReader class which is convenient for most image...