20 """ An example script demonstrating boarder segmentation in SimpleITK. """
24 import SimpleITK
as sitk
27 if len(sys.argv) != 5:
28 sys.stderr.write(
"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} inputFile outputFile replaceValue upperThreshold\n")
32 inputFileName = sys.argv[1]
33 outputFileName = sys.argv[2]
34 replaceValue = int(sys.argv[3])
35 upperThreshold = float(sys.argv[4])
48 boundary =
sitk.Cast(boundary, image.GetPixelID())
53 image = image * ~boundary
56 image = image + (boundary * replaceValue)
58 if "SITK_NOSHOW" not in os.environ:
Image BinaryThreshold(const Image &image1, double lowerThreshold=0.0, double upperThreshold=255.0, uint8_t insideValue=1u, uint8_t outsideValue=0u)
Binarize an input image by thresholding.
void SITKIO_EXPORT Show(const Image &image, const std::string &title="", const bool debugOn=ProcessObject::GetGlobalDefaultDebug())
Image BinaryGrindPeak(const Image &image1, bool fullyConnected=false, double foregroundValue=1.0, double backgroundValue=0)
Remove the objects not connected to the boundary of the image.
Image BinaryMorphologicalClosing(const Image &image1, std::vector< unsigned int > kernelRadius=std::vector< uint32_t >(3, 1), KernelEnum kernelType=itk::simple::sitkBall, double foregroundValue=1.0, bool safeBorder=true)
binary morphological closing of an image.
Image Cast(const Image &image, PixelIDValueEnum pixelID)
SITKIO_EXPORT Image ReadImage(const std::vector< PathType > &fileNames, PixelIDValueEnum outputPixelType=sitkUnknown, const std::string &imageIO="")
ReadImage is a procedural interface to the ImageSeriesReader class which is convenient for most image...